How To Take Viagra to know this post is yours.

ED medications like Viagra or its generic form Sildenafil might be a little tricky to figure out right off the bat.
Different people may react differently to the exact same medication due to differences in their body type, conditions, medications, or even what they ate that day.
In this article, we will cover some of the best tips to help you get the best experience out of your medication and make sure your night is one to remember.
- Time it out
While everyone will have slight differences due to their current conditions and metabolism, you can expect Viagra, or its generic form Sildenafil, to start working within 30-60 minutes according to Pfizer.
But, if that seems to be a little too much of a time crunch for you, the manufacturer of Viagra mentions that you may be able to take Viagra up to 4 hours before sexual activity.
The first few times you take the medication you will be able to start feeling out what time frame tends to work the best for you.
- Choose a lighter meal
While you may be looking forward to ordering that high-fat savory meal on date night, you could be changing the way that your Viagra or Sildenafil are getting into your body after a dense dinner.
Studies show that eating a high-fat meal around the same time that you are taking your Viagra or Sildenafil may increase the amount of time it takes to get into your system, meaning the main event of the evening might not go exactly as planned.
If you always have a high-fat dinner when taking your Viagra and you are used to the onset time, feel free to continue with the same meals as long as the longer “kick-in” time does not bother you.
However, you should be aware that if you want Viagra or Sildenafil to work as soon as possible, you will want to dine on the lighter side that evening.
- Give it a few tries to get it right
Your first few doses of Viagra or Sildenafil might not go exactly the way that you want for some people, but that does not mean that the medication will not eventually work for you.
The first couple tries you will still be figuring out the onset times and trying to adjust the medication into your lifestyle, so don’t let one or two less-than-perfect experiences discourage you.
If you need more guidance on how to get your Viagra or Sildenafil to meet your expectations, speak with the doctor that gave you the prescription to help iron out the details or suggest a dosing change.
- Get in a romantic mood
While ED medications like Viagra can give you a big boost in the bedroom, it will not work if you are not already “in the mood”.
Make sure that you are being mentally or physically stimulated in order to get everything going and the medication will be able to take it from there.
- Make sure you told your doctor all other medications you are taking
In order to make sure that this is a good experience for you and reduce the risk of side effects, you need to make sure your doctor knows every other medication that you are taking.
Certain medications that are used for the heart, blood pressure, infections, or HIV may change the way that Viagra works for you or interact and increase your risk of adverse side effects.
Even if you have been taking Viagra or Sildenafil for a long time, anytime you add on a new medication you will need to let your doctor know to make sure there will be no interactions.
- Improve your overall health for even better results
Viagra and its generic form Sildenafil can do a lot to help you improve your sexual performance, but if you combine these medications with healthy lifestyle changes you may see even better results.
Improving conditions that tend to have an effect on your performance in the bedroom such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, may help you give your ED therapy an even bigger boost.
Making sure that you are exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables can help improve your overall health and circulation, helping to make the effects of Viagra or Sildenafil even more pronounced. (Make sure to always speak with your doctor before starting or changing an exercise routine to make sure it is right for you.)
- Only use once a day
While some people tend to think that taking more of a good thing will make the response even better, with these medications you will be putting yourself at risk for unwanted side effects such as priapism if you take more than one dose a day.
Do not take more than one dose of Viagra or Sildenafil daily, or use as directed as often as your doctor has recommended (sometimes doctors recommend only a couple of times a week).
Sildenafil Online
Taking Viagra or its generic form Sildenafil for the first time can be intimidating, but educating yourself on the best practices and tips can help you obtain a better experience.
You can speak with our doctors during an Online Consultation to help you identify the best way to take Sildenafil or see if the medication is a good choice for you.
If you are a good candidate for Sildenafil treatment, your prescription medication can be shipped discreetly to your front door.